More than just another way to pay, the only way to checkout.

All-in-one Checkout solution combines tablets & QR codes on tables and receipts with your existing tech stack. 
Boost staff efficiency and empower the guest
using your existing POS, Gift, Loyalty, and Processor.

Simply Better for Everyone

  • Leverage your existing technology.

    OneDine integrates seamlessly with your existing POS, processor, loyalty and gift card providers.

  • Flexible options for you and your guests.

    OneDine Checkout is accessible from a QR code on the receipt or table or from the otg tablet.

  • Keep your guests coming back.

    Prompt EACH guest to sign up for loyalty or email lists and capture real-time surveys.

  • More ways to pay.

    EMV & NFC credit card transactions, plus gift and loyalty redemptions using your existing processors and vendors.

Real Survey Responses


Loyalty Signups


Staff Tips


Faster Table Turns

11 min

Table Side Checkout

The OneDine otg tablet allows staff to take payments tableside and is integrated directly to your existing POS system. Quickly split checks, redeem gift cards and loyalty rewards, and accept EMV or NFC payments. No monthly hardware fees or added POS licenses.

Payments in a Snap

Unique QR codes at the table or on the check give customers instant access to pay.

Guests are able to split checks, redeem gift cards and more.

OneDine Checkout supports digital wallets like Apple Pay giving your customers the ability to securely pay their way.


Because loyalty & CRM signup happens during the checkout process, 100% of your guests are able to sign up. No more navigating to URLs later hoping your guests sign up.

Engage them where they are – with OneDine Checkout.


OneDine Checkout’s outperforms typical survey collection by over 1,000%. The survey happens on the device in front of the guest. Natural and easy to navigate, 60-70% of all guests complete surveys. What will you do with so much data? 

What Our Partners Say

We work with some of the best in the industry.

Are you ready to cash in with OneDine Checkout?

  • Compatible with most major POS systems, Gift Card Providers, and Loyalty Providers.

  • Processor agnostic - shop terms & rates without new hardware or the need to reconfigure your POS. Switch in minutes.

  • Eliminate credit card fraud, gift card fraud & fraudulent chargebacks.

  • Increased server section size by at least 1 table.

  • Minimal training for your staff and your guests. Simple, clean interfaces mean everyone gets it.

  • Allows for 100% of guests to participate in marketing programs and provide survey feedback.

Contact Us To Learn More