- Effective March 25, Arizona lifted COVID-19 restrictions on businesses and events and prohibited, in most cases, the enforcement of local mask mandates; bars and restaurants can now operate at full capacity.
- The Governor relaxed emergency restrictions previously placed on businesses on March 5. Mask and physical distancing requirements remain in effect, however, bars and restaurants may now operate at full capacity.
- On February 13, the Governor signed an order allowing restaurants to extend their premises for outdoor dining services. Restaurants can offer indoor dining service but must limit occupancy to 50% and must separate parties by at least 6 feet. The Governor stated he had no plans to further restrict Arizona businesses.
- The state announced on December 11 that it made no further plans to amend state restrictions while vaccinations are administered. No statewide mask mandate has been administered, however, several counties have ordered one.
- As of December 2, the Governor relaxed regulations on restaurants and bars in hopes to encourage a shift to indoor from outdoor dining; indoor dining will continue to be restricted, while outdoor dining capacity is expanded. Establishments that do not closely adhere to safety guidelines could face closure.
- Restaurants are encouraged to offer and promote outdoor dining opportunities.