- Effective May 11, 2021, Idaho returned to Stage 4, which effectively lifts restrictions on gathering sizes.
- The Governor announced a return to Stage 3 on February 2. Restaurants and bars may operate at full capacity so long as tables are spaced six-feet apart and customers remain seated unless arriving, leaving, or using the restroom. The state has not issued a mask mandate.
- On November 13, the Governor moved the state back to Phase 2 of its reopening plan. Although the state tightened restrictions, restaurant and bar capacity has not been affected and these establishments may continue to operate at full capacity. Customers must continue to be seated six feet apart and wear a face mask at all times except when eating or drinking. Bars and nightclubs may continue to operate as long as patrons receive service while seated.
- A statewide mask mandate has yet to be ordered, however, many businesses are encouraged to enforce them.
- On July 9, the governor announced the state would remain in the fourth stage of reopening for at least an additional two weeks.